Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Free meal? Ok by me!

Wednesdays equal free meals in Athens.

Free meals equal full tummies.

Full tummies equal happy college students.

On my longest day of the week, when I'm running between class and meetings for a straight 11 hours, there's nothing better than taking a breather for a free, home-cooked meal.

My heart and stomach loyally trek up Court St. to visit the good people of Athens First Presbyterian who offer me nourishment to propel me over the hump of the week. Meals usually consist of a main dish, salad, bread and, of course, dessert. Could it get any better than that?

Today's fare included a white lasagna. In the past, they have offered fresh vegetable soup and home-baked bread, graciously donated by congregation members. My favorite dessert option is usually their monster bar, a graham-cracker crust that is topped with chocolate and butterscotch chips and coconut shavings, but today I delighted in a refreshing piece of pineapple upside down cake.

As good as the food is, I must add that it's the people of this church that make this meal the highlight of my day (and sometimes my week). It's full of Athens residents who are interested in hearing the stories and adventures of us college students. And it's obvious that the students enjoy being heard, because as a regular, I've noticed other regulars as well.

So if you need a mid-week pick-me-up, join me sometime between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the corner of Court and College, and let's break bread together.

1 comment:

EmilyT said...

I love how this meal comes with no strings attached. They don't ask for a donation and they don't ask that you join them on Sunday. The congregation is a very welcoming group though, that I would feel comfortable seeing more than every Wednesday.